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Set up Account

Step 1: Create merchant account

To create an account contact manager directly. Submit the required documents to verify your account and gain access.

Step 2: Get required credentials

Credentials that have to be issued:

  • Merchant ID
  • Merchant key
  • Secret key
  • Payout key (for Payouts)

Connect Provider Account

Step 1. Connect Provider account at the Corefy Dashboard

Press Connect at Paysafebd Provider Overview page in 'New connection' section and choose Provider account option to open Connection form.


Enter credentials:

  • merchant_id → Merchant ID
  • merchant_key → Merchant key
  • secret_key → Secret key
  • payout_key → Payout key


You have connected Paysafebd Provider account!

API examples:

Data set to create a payout for "upi_inr" service

POST /api/commerce/payout-invoices HTTP/1.1
  "data": {
    "type": "payout-invoice",
    "attributes": {
      "service": "upi_inr",
      "commerce_account": "Lorem Ipsum",
      "currency": "INR",
      "amount": 843.13,
      "test_mode": false,
      "reference_id": "fa3a05f3-f923-48ab-a95c-9f894cc12277",
      "fields": {
        "vpa": "test@test",
        "beneficiary_full_name": "john doe"
      "options": {
        "attempts_limit": 0,
        "split_mode": false,
        "allow_partially": false,
        "auto_process": false

Data set to create a payout for "imps_inr" service

POST /api/commerce/payment-invoices HTTP/1.1

  "data": {
    "type": "payout-invoice",
    "attributes": {
      "service": "imps_inr",
      "commerce_account": "Lorem Ipsum",
      "currency": "INR",
      "amount": 862.32,
      "test_mode": false,
      "reference_id": "4f2c3801-6a6a-46c7-8031-78cc599baf50",
      "fields": {
        "account_holder_full_name": "john doe",
        "ifsc": "123456",
        "vpa": "test@test"
      "options": {
        "attempts_limit": 0,
        "split_mode": false,
        "allow_partially": false,
        "auto_process": false

Still looking for help connecting your Paysafebd account?

Please contact our support team!